25 Tested Marketing Tips for Self-Published Authors

What frustrates most new authors is the marketing. They thought the hard part was writing the book. Hah! Wait until you try to get people to buy it. Marketing and promotion is hard work. But if you can get a head start – that would save you from pulling out your hair.  If you don’t know what to do first – read this post. It will inspire you. 

When you finished your book, chances are you thought the hard work was done. You had an idea, planned the book, and wrote it. In truth, the real work of book publishing is just beginning. Self-published authors are in charge of their own marketing, a daunting task to say the least. Where do you begin? How can you continue to market your book?

I’ve been published by royalty publishers and Print-on-Demand (POD) publishers. What’s more, I have worked with large book marketing companies. Some marketing ideas didn’t work, and others worked better than I thought they would. If you’re a self-[published author you need to create a marketing plan and work your way through it. These tips will get you started.

  1. Create a flyer that describes your book. Be sure to tell readers how and where they can find it.
  2. Large conferences usually have their own book stores for attendees. Arrange for your book to be sold in conference stores.
  3. Always have a book with you. This way, when someone asks about your book, you can show them a sample.
  4. Send press releases to local radio/television stations. Include a sample copy of your book with each release.
  5. Create and maintain a website that supports your book. Your website should have a heading that tells what you write.
  6. Offer things, such as free handouts and podcast links, to website visitors.
  7. Create a blog and/or become a guest blogger.
  8. Get on blog talk radio.
  9. Ask friends to write Internet reviews.
  10. Speak to local book clubs. Your talk should be an extension of your book, not a commercial for it.
  11. Get a graphic designer to create a bookmark that advertises your book and give them out whenever you can.
  12. Use article marketing to get the word out about your book.
  13. Speak to local churches and service organizations.
  14. Add a Kindle edition of your book.
  15. Create a press kit about your book and distribute it.
  16. Email a notice to your alumni office, along with the cover of your book.
  17. Pay a professional reviewer to post a review on an Internet book club website.
  18. Pay for a small ad in a professional magazine.
  19. Plan and give workshops on topics related to your book.
  20. Give free talks at the public library.
  21. Donate books to the public library or your church library.
  22. Create a wallet card about your book and give it to each person who buys a book.
  23. Autograph books and affix “Autographed Copy” stickers to the covers.
  24. Write and distribute a brochure about your book.
  25. Give away books, one of the cheapest forms of advertising.

Many of these ideas cost money and you will have to decide how much you’re willing to spend on marketing. Start with the cheapest ideas first and see if they spark sales. Keep in mind that there’s often a lag time between when someone hears about your book and when they actually buy it. Book marketing is a daily job and you have to keep at it. Along the way, you’ll meet interesting people, interesting self-published authors, and learn about the book marketing world. You’re in good company!

Copyright 2013 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been a freelance author for 36+ years and is the author of 33 published books. Her latest releases are “Help! I’m Raising My Grandkids” and “Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life after Loss.”

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7981702
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  • rana kbs says:

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