How to be more Blogalicious in 8 Easy Steps

blog pam perry

Do you worry about whether your blog offers quality content that your target readers will love?
Remember the movie, “Julie & Julia?”

She was so excited when she got a comment!  Yes, it’s a good feeling. You’ve got fans!

Lady Gaga calls herself “the luckiest girl on earth” because she has fans.

 Comments mean people are reading!

(And if enough people read it, Lifetime could turn your blog into a mini-series) Right?

Well, here’s how to give your blog a boost to keep YOU happy at least.

First, you have to reel in the readers.  So the title matters.

Questions are one of the best ways to write a blog title and the simplest.

Write a title of one specific question to one specific audience and answer it.  (Like above)

Which means you must narrow your slant or focus your information for your audience. Write like you’re talking to a friend. One friend – not a crowd.

You can later rewrite similar content for a different audience. Don’t try to put so much in one blog post. It doesn’t stick as well. Keep it simple.

Here’s a template to help you with your blog:   

Blog step 1- Choose a title that works for tips. Everyone loves tips. People don’t read, they can on the web. So make sure you list out tips. But first find a topic that works for tips.
Blog Step 2- Outline your topic. Your target audience wants their questions answered – that’s why they’re on the web searching for answers.
Blog step 3 – Write a one-two sentence hook or introduction. In journalism it’s called a lead.  If you don’t catch them at the beginning – you have lost them. Write a strong lead, hook, intro to your topic.
Blog Step 4 – Include four to six sub points in outline form. This helps you clarify. The more clarity you have the better the post.
Blog step 5 – Write each paragraph to support each sub point. This is the meat of your blog. This is where your creativity will shine. This is also reason why people are reading into your copy. Offer some real answers – give away some great advice, ideas, examples, links or stories.
Blog step 6 – Write only two or three short sentences for each paragraph. Make it easy on the eyes to read (remember people are scanning). So make short sentences. The best writers write with brevity.
Blog step 7- Create three to five paragraphs from each heading. Here you know the drill. Just like Twitter only allows 140 characters. For your blog to flow, only write 3 to 5 paragraphs per heading.
Blog Step 8 – Finish with a one or two sentence conclusion. People will rarely remember the middle, kinda remember the lead – but they will remember the close. Just like in speeches. So make your blog post end with a bang. Something actionable. Something worth commenting on.
Finally, Share your blog URLs on twitter, facebook, google+ and linkedin at the end of the post to encourage social sharing.
Know the biggest benefit to strategic blog marketing means that Google will find your blogs – and that means more traffic. More traffic is what we all want.

Question: What has helped you get your rhythm to rock your blog?

Or do you have “bloggers block?”

I confess, I get that too sometimes. That’s when I head to Starbucks…

Hopefully this post will help UNBLOCK – because serious bloggers blog often. Right?

  • […] post How to be more Blogalicious in 8 Easy Steps appeared first on Pam Perry PR & Branding […]

  • Karen MossTimothy says:

    Thanks for the rich content. Unblocked alot!

  • Linda Fegins says:

    Great pointers of how to write fresh yet rich, engaging and informative blog content.

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