10 Easy Steps to Position Yourself as an Expert And Start a Profitable Business Online

scott fox click millionaires internet riches

How do you establish yourself as an expert people will trust and buy things from?  Millionaire dollar question. Listen up to this sage advice. 

Internet business success expert Scott Fox, author of CLICK MILLIONAIRES  shares in this guest post how new online entrepreneurs and authorpreneurs can position themselves in the market in 10 easy (and cheap) steps:

  1. Identify a niche industry or community where you have both experience and interest.


  1. Brainstorm and buy a domain name that includes keywords important to your niche, and is cool-sounding, easy to spell, and memorable.


  1. Set up a blog. You can use Weebly.com, Blogger.com, or WordPress.com for free. Be sure to buy and use a domain name of your own to look professional, though.        FOR BETTER TRACTION AND SEO : We recommend a self-hosted wordpress blogsite


  1. Make up a user name that matches your domain name and encapsulates your expert branding. Use it to set up free accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn.


  1. Set up Google Alerts. This free search tool from Google (www.GoogleAlertsTool.com) will scour the Internet nightly for mentions of any keywords you ask it to seek. Set up automated searches to get daily e-mail updates on the top companies, personalities, products, or issues important to the people in your target market.
  1. Publish on your blog short summaries of the best articles and blog posts you receive in Google Alert emails each day. Be sure to link back to the original articles and give credit where it’s due.
  1. Demonstrate expertise in your posts and try to help people in a friendly way on your blog and social media pages, as appropriate for your industry or topics of interest. Then ask for comments and feedback to build your brand, traffic and an audience community.


  1. Reach out politely to 20 top people from your industry or target community. Contact them through email, Facebook, Google+, or other relevant forums to invite them to read your new blog, participate by leaving comments and questions, or even submit their own guest posts for you to publish.


  1. Set up free accounts with online advertising programs like Google AdSense.


  1. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 to establish yourself as an expert and grow an audience!

Adapted from CLICK MILLIONAIRES: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love by Scott Fox (AMACOM; June 5, 2012; $22.00 Hardcover; 978-0-8144-3191-7).

SCOTT FOX is the author of two previous AMACOM books, Internet Riches and e-Riches 2.0: Next Generation Online Marketing Strategies. He runs the ClickMillionaires.com lifestyle
entrepreneur coaching forum and hosts the popular Click Millionaires Radio podcast from his home in Southern California.

He also is a graduate of Detroit’s Cass Technical High School. (So am I!)

Go green. Rock that CT!
Hear the interview I did with Scott on the Synergy Energy show, click here to listen.

  • Ovella Nowell says:

    I have my own blog site but I can’t make money can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I have included my blog website please take a look at it and I am open for any advice you can share.

    Thank you

    • Pam Perry says:

      Hi Ovella, I can’t find your blog. What is the URL?

      In the meantime, I can say that we have a FREE SEO report here on this blog that will give you a checklist of what to do.


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