Every author would agree that writing their book was the easy part. Selling it is hard part. Marketing is the real work.
Here are six keys you need for success:
1. Email Marketing: You need to have a list. You need to communicate with your list. You need to use an auto responder to manage your list. See what I use here.
2. Blogging including Podcasting, Vlogging: You have to blog. You have to tell your story. Don’t just shove your book down folks throats. You are an expert, a personality and people will want to know what you know. So tell them. Write on your blog. Post videos on your blog and start a podcast and post your podcast on your blog.
3. Social Media Marketing: I love designing social media campaigns. You must engage with your tribe. Be comfortable with social media and put together a content strategy that entices people to want to buy your book or at the very least – visit you website and get on your email list. From there, you can then continue to share information about your book, etc. Add value. Don’t spam. See my social sites.
4. Platform Building: You must have a strong platform. This is why branding is so important. Your platform will also attract media attention and speaking engagements. Read how to build your platform, here.
5. Online Advertising: You must pay to play, especially on Facebook. Buy ads on instagram and twitter too. It’s cheap and it works! You can advertise on FB for $5 and reach thousands of people.
6. Online PR: Reach out to bloggers, podcasters and online magazine editors. This is an awesome way to get your book noticed and sold – and you’re on the road to becoming an Amazon best seller.
Want to get more tips? Join our free webinar on Tuesday, November 21st on which Jack Canfield will be interviewed by Steve Harrison, who has helped over 12,000 authors promote their books.
Whether your book right now is just a dream, a still-to-be-completed manuscript, or a published reality, this call is for you. Go here now to register for Tuesday’s free web class ==> here