Much to his delight, Andre Butler has been strategically set aside for God’s use.
So much so that Butler has gracefully embraced his God-mandated assignment that is centered largely on his serving as the beloved Senior Pastor of Detroit’s Faith Xperience Church.
Suitably known as FX Church, this institution has become a fixture for helping people from various walks of life to you engage their faith and “Xperience” the future God has for them.
“I’ve always had what I believe is a God-given desire to write and make great stories that also help people live the future that God has for them,” Butler, 45, told Making Headline News during a weekend interview.
To his distinctly unique credit, Butler’s immeasurable writing mechanics have been put on display by way of a newly-produced movie entitled, MatchMade.
Composed masterfully by Butler — whom admittedly was inspired by Bishop T. D. Jakes, Tyler Perry, and his mentor Bryan S. Hickox — MatchMade is what this devout man of faith appropriately describes as a “real-life,” spiritually-empowering motion picture, of sorts, one that steadfastly addresses some of the most pressing and life-altering issues by which many encounter daily, most notably in the modern-day church.
“(I’m determined) to give audiences a great, fun, yet enlightening experience that can help them take one step closer to God,” said Butler, explaining his personal mission for an awe-inspiring film that figures to be as good as advertised.
Interestingly enough, what’s even more astounding is that Butler’s MatchMade has already garnered what undoubtedly is a national presence, considering he and his crew have filmed portions of the movie in six different cities, he told MHN.
Talk about having a monumental impact, coupled with a nationally-acclaimed faith-based “Xperience.”
“Everyone has value,” said Butler, providing a detailed synopsis of his first film. “Everyone is made in God’s image. Everyone is so precious to God that He had His Son shed His blood for them and that He counts the very hairs on their head. If God sees us in this way, surely, I should too.”
In another development, Butler deemed it essential to shine the figurative spotlight on the pros and cons of dating relationships through his featured book, Bae or Nah: Finding The Love Of Your Life. A 119-page written work that made its ceremonious debut in February 2021, Butler goes to great lengths to vividly reminds his readers that finding the love of your life is hard.
But why?
“Dating today can be frustrating, confusing, and heartbreaking,” Butler said in a detailed synopsis of his latest book at “Although there are more tools than ever available to help you find the love of your life, choosing the one for you is not as easy as it looks in the movies. But God is eager to help you. With His help, you can find and identify the one that He has prepared for you.
“Dating today can be hard,” Butler continued. “Everyone wants to find the love of their life but are trying to do so without a God-inspired road map. This book is that roadmap to weeding out those who are not Bae and finding God’s Bae for you.”
A native of Detroit, Butler’s ministerial career spans more than two decades.
A graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, Butler holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from Kennesaw State University, as well as a Pastoral Studies Degree from Rhema Bible Training Center.
MATCH MADE Premiere’s at the movies this November and December for the Black Tie event – in Detroit, Atlanta and Los Angeles.
Source: Making Headline News
Pastor Andre was recently interviewed on ATLANTA LIVE with Dr. Teresa Hairston, watch it here