All Posts by Dr. Pam Perry

7 Mistakes to AVOID when sending Press Releases

The news release is your only chance to make a good first impression. Sloppy, inaccurate, pointless releases are the first to hit the newsroom wastebasket or recycle bin. To make sure yours isn’t one of them, avoid these seven deadly sins: 1. Providing insufficient or wrong information. Particularly telephone numbers. Releases must be complete, accurate […]

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What Does a Publicist Do?

Good Press = Good Business  I am always surprised by what people think public relations services cost.  When I ask them what are their goals, they’ll say to sell 10,000 copies. When I ask, “what’s your budget?” they’ll say they really don’t have one – but maybe $500 to $1,000. For a campaign that sell […]

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Twitter versus Facebook: The War

Should you use Twitter or Facebook ? That’s the question I get asked all the time. The whole social media experience is just plain old networking on steroids. People do business with people they know, like and trust.  Being transparent and authentic online is key.  The more you share and show you care – the […]

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2 Book Promotion Checklist and Tasks Timeline

  “The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.” Marcus Aurelius   One year to six months before the book is out 1.       Establish a board of directors and list of prayer partners 2.       Build website & blog 3.       Join and be active in your Writers Group 4.       Look into attending […]

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1 Why Pastors Should Publish Books

There are so many reasons why a pastor or ministry leader should write a book. Publishing a book presents a unique opportunity for ministry leaders and lay people in the church. Christianity depends heavily on education and training. There is a constant stream of teaching in the church and among its members that is often […]

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