“The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.” Marcus Aurelius
One year to six months before the book is out
1. Establish a board of directors and list of prayer partners
2. Build website & blog
3. Join and be active in your Writers Group
4. Look into attending ICRS or Book Expo of America
5. Create a marketing plan on how you plan to sell the books
6. Write book synopsis/description
7. Write fact information sheet/ compile media list for book galleys
8. Solicit endorsements for other authors, experts and “celebs”
9. Have professional PR photo taken
10. Secure a distributor/fulfillment plan
11. Collect samples of other authors’ PR pieces or do online research
12. Take another author to coffee to pick their brain about PR ideas
13. Check on upcoming conferences, fairs, conventions for booth space
14. Begin your aggressive online strategy: Google+, Facebook, Blog, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Three months before the book is out
1. Compile media list for press releases (see rtir.com)
2. Compile direct mail list of friends, relatives, associates, etc.
3. Update author bio (we specialize in this)
4. Compile list to receive review books (get the Christian Writers Market Guide)
5. Design author/speaker/new book flier and/or brochure
6. Write press release & media alert
7. Decide about hiring a publicist or PR coach
8. Write and submit magazine articles
9. Send galley copies if your publishing house is not going to do it
10. Mail review copies to those you know can help get the job done
11. Network to create book signing opportunities
12. Find tie-in opportunities: i.e, homeschoolers, retirement communities, conventions
13. Work on news and feature write-ups for press
14. Establish relationships with other speakers for co-op selling (you sell their book and they sell yours at their back room table when they speak)
15. Compile endorsement page and quote review page post on website
Two months before the book is out
1. Write cover letter to send with galleys for book reviews
2. Plan launch party at book store or at a hotel/hall
3. Create Book Trailer and load up on YouTube
4. Secure speaking engagements
5. Design & print extra PR materials: postcards, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, etc.
6. Contact local newspaper columnists and community newspapers / write columns
One month before the book is out
1. Send pre-publication announcements to media, friends, organizations
2. Schedule media interviews with local radio and TV stations
3. Write several professional talks based on your book
4. Develop key contacts with the influencers in your specialty field
3 weeks before the book is out
1. Get the word out that you’re available to speak. Network.
2. Brand like crazy online and off line – network with others and get them excited about the book launch
3. Create an e-newsletter for your fan club and interested friends via aweber
2 weeks before the book is out
1. Call key contacts with the influencers (bloggers too) in your specialty field & invite them to participate at your book signing/launch
2. Hire a photographer & psalmist for your event
3. Get an “award” ready for the person who has been most instrumental with you getting your book out (your mom)
1 week before the book is out
1. Confirm details of book launch
2. Personally invite media (again)
3. Make appointments for personal grooming (hair, nails, make up, wardrobe)
1. Pray a lot. Keep pushing on doors. Relentless promotion for a book is the key to success and sales.
This whole process can be overwhelming if you’re not organized and don’t have a team or some friends and other authors to support you.
Proud to say that I did most of that…Thank you God for giving me strength:)
Yaay Jackie! YOU got this! PTL!