Are you ready to finally write that book you’ve been thinking about? For many speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs and service providers, a book is the ideal marketing tool. It not only perfectly positions you as the expert you are, but it also allows you to reach a much wider audience than you likely could on your own.
Think about it, just adding your book to Amazon has the potential to put your name in front of millions of new viewers each and every month. You don’t have to be a marketing genius to know that those kinds of numbers can have an amazing impact on your business, with…
- Increased traffic to your website (and more opt-ins, too)
- Critical “social proof” in the form of testimonials
- Instant “expert status” (the kind that’s only afforded to authors)
- New interview requests and other opportunities
- More clients
And all of that before you’ve even sold a single copy!
Now the only problem is, well, actually writing the book.
You’ve thought about it, maybe jotted down some notes, perhaps you’ve even outlined a couple of chapters.
But then, you stalled. Overwhelm set in, or you got busy, and now your book idea is stashed away on your hard drive collecting virtual dust. Or maybe you never even got that far. Maybe you found yourself so confused about the whole process that you didn’t even start.
Here’s what you need to know about writing a book: it’s not as difficult or overwhelming as it seems, especially if you can break it down into manageable tasks.
First let’s figure out: What’s Your Book-Writing Goal?
This is the step that every new author seems to skip, and it’s probably the single most important decision you need to make! Without a book-writing goal, it will be extremely difficult for you to:
- Stay focused (you’ll find your content wandering off-topic or you’ll feel scattered)
- Stay motivated (you’ll suddenly find lots and lots of things you’d rather do than write)
- Launch with authority (no great book launch starts with a fizzle)
Your goal can be personal (“because I want to be able to say ‘I wrote a book!’”), or it can be all business (“because I want to give it to my clients at my next live event”).
Maybe your goal is to land on the New York Times’ bestseller list. Or you might want to use it as a lead generating tool. You may even simply want to make sales.
Not sure what your goal is? Here’s how you can find out:
➡ Do a little reconnaissance work among your competitors. Who has written a book? Chances are most of them have at least a book or two for sale on Kindle, if not on other platforms.
A quick peek will tell you what the goal was when the book was written.
➡ Does it have a link (or several) to opt-in for a free gift? Is the book part of a series of small (30 pages or less) books? Is it frequently offered for free on Kindle?
If so, chances are this book is a lead generator.
➡ Does the book sell for a relatively high price compared to others? Is it offered in print form as well as digital? Is it traditionally published through a company such as Random House or Penguin?
Books such as these are often used to improve market reach and brand recognition.
➡ Finally, if the book is self-published but is available in print format, it may actually be a business card, designed to be given away at events.
So what’s your book-writing goal?
We can help you figure it all out and get your book out!
Join me and superstar NYT best-selling author of Sister CEO, Cheryl Broussard on a free webinar:
“How to Build Your Business with a Book and How Your Book Will Set Your Brand Apart”
i need to speak with you personally , I don’t mind paying but I need to hear what you personally have to say and if you will be involved with my book personally..
thanks cheryl
Sure Cheryl, just go to and we’ll set up a time to speak! God bless