Today, you will see that a lot of people are blogging. There are millions of blogs out there. And tons of abandoned blogs too! (Will write another blog post on THAT!)
But anyway, some
people write blogs that concentrate on their personal life and experiences, others write blogs to market and promote stuff. Some blog and don’t even know why. They just heard that they should be blogging. (I preach blogging a lot).
Others people write their stuff like
original fictional short stories. Whatever it is, you will see that blogging brings fame. That is, if you do it right.So, how can you write really good blogs that will make you an internet sensation?
Whatever you write about, it will have some potential
in becoming famous. All you need to do is write it really good.
So, here are some tips that can help you write better blogs and one that people will surely want to read and recommend to other people.
First, you have to remember that catching the
attention of your readers is very important. What this
means is that the title and the first two or three
sentences of your blog should be enough to catch your
readers attention and encourage them to read the rest
of the blogs
Most of the blogs that has great potential and great
content fails because of this. The writer didn’t give
it a good title and a good introduction, which made
the reader close the blog and look for other blogs
that is good to read.Although you won’t be able to please all the people
reading your blogs, you have to consider the fact that
you have to at least catch the attention that has
something in common with you.So, writing good introductions and giving your blog a
good title is crucial in order for your blogs to
become a success and be considered a good read.Aside from the title and the introduction, the body is
also very important. What you write in your title
should correspond or relate to the introduction and
title you give your blog. Stay on the subject. Also,
it is very important that everything should be easy to
read and understand.After you finished writing a blog, reread it and
imagine that you are the reader. Also, check for
grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. It is also a
good idea to get your friends to read it before you
post the blog in your blogging website. This will give
you an unbiased judge on what your blog is like.As a reader, if you didn’t like the blog that you
wrote and that you found that it is quite complicated
to understand redo it or just edit it so that it will
be a bit better.This is the art of making blogs. It may sound simple,
but it really isn’t. You need to work hard in your
writing skills and you also have to take a lot of
criticism about how you write.Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will
be able to write a good blog. If the first blog you
wrote didn’t actually become an internet sensation,
then just leave it be and write another blog about
anything that your heart desires. Improve on your
writing and you can be sure that you will get better
and better at writing blogs.Remember these tips and you will one day become famous
as a blog writer. Always remember that blogging brings
fame. (Remember the movie, Julie & Julia?)She was so excited when she got a comment! Yes, it’s a good feeling. You’ve got fans!
All you need to do is make a good blog that people will want to read and one that people will want to make their friends read.
What’s YOUR blog about? Leave your blog idea or blog url – would love to support your blog!
I’ve been blogging for almost two years. I write about lessons I’ve learned though years of prayer. I want to thank you for always sharing such practical and helpful information to help others. You are truly a blessing! I’m always reading and learning so that I can offer my readers the best blog lessons I possibly can.
Hi Pam, I am interested in your feedback in regards to my blogsite. The url is http://www.alabtjzs.com/apps/blog
It would be great to receive a tip(s) on how to leverage all of these social media avenues!
I am also a member of Chocolate pages but only have a few post there.
I have a twitter page the url is https://twitter.com/AllAboutJezus
As well as a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FavoredWomanFullofTruth?ref=hl
Thanks! I am looking forward to hearing back from you or a representative.
Dola, your site is flash. Let’s discuss. Set up a strategy session with me to discuss how to update.
I am almost finished my book entitled GRIEVE EASY The 10 Steps To Healing From Heartache & Heartbreak That Restored Me. I want to start a blog, market my book and begin a blog talk radio station to further my ministry. Humbly I really need so coaching and guidence.
Sure Bishop, go to https://pamperrypr.com/author-pr-bootcamp/
We look forward to working with you
I am so grateful for your time to share valuable nuggets for bloggers as I am and will definitely take note and apply your principles. I left my website where my blogs are posted.Would love comment at end when read. Thanks!
will do. Thank you! God bless you, Pam