If you’ve been holding on to hope that “this internet thing” is just a fad, it’s time to face it…
The world has changed, and publicity has changed with it. The fundamentals of publicity and marketing haven’t changed, but what they look like and how things get done certainly have — digital is how we do business today.
I’ve been inside and alongside the journalism-media business for over 30 years, and as an OG publicist, I can tell you what’s changed, what hasn’t, and your must-haves for getting out there and getting known through radio, TV, and print magazines and newspapers in this digital world.
Listen in for the scoop on: how often you should google yourself (and what you want to find), the 5 things that every news media pro wants to know, 2 things you can do today to have more business next month, what your website can do for you now that it couldn’t do 20 years ago, what I think social media will look like in 2032, what all this social media pandemonium is for … and more!
"When you’re inside the jar, you can’t read the label. If you want to know what your label says, google yourself to see what other people are seeing.” – Dr. Pam Perry
Highlights From This Episode:
- The biggest mistake people make when seeking publicity
- How to get your A-C-T together
- What all this social media pandemonium is for
- Now & Then: What websites used to do vs. what they do now
- 10 years from now, social media will be like…
- If you don’t have this, you don’t exist (online)
- Pro Tip! Have you googled you lately?
- My all-time favorite kind of client
- 5 things to include in your press release
- Your press release vs. your pitch
- What media producers really care about
- Where you should invest your time online
- Pro Tip! How to double your social media posts with one-click
- 3 places to post your client or customer reviews
- Here are the 4 parts of YOUR digital media empire
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