Here are the rest of the tips and ideas on how to make money and brand like a superstar online:
65. Join a and
66. Create public folders on
67. Write your own Ezine and trade sending it out with others who do ezines too,
68. Create your own group about a popular topic, ask others to join.
69. Use an auto responder to offer free reports and advice. (see
70. Create your own Wiki.
71. Join [great site!] Love this one J
72. Write a blog about another topic unrelated to your business.
73. Create a .com website for your name.
74. Create videos and post them on, vidler, vimeo and metacafe and others!
75. Tag and Ping your blog posts.
76. Tag your blog posts on social networking sites.
77. Brand yourself online and include your brand everywhere.
78. Get your free conference line host events
79. Create products out of your conference calls. Host in
80. Install’s & Digg browser bar and use it to add your sites and to visit other useful sites. ( is great)
81. Spend some time every week exploring new sites and online opportunities.
82. Create an Amazon s3 account to host/store your digital products. .
83. Write a book and sell it online. (
84. Order return address labels with your website and put them on all mail.
85. Order stationary and sticky notes with your website and put them everywhere.
86. Order bumper stickers with your website. Use Café Press of Moo.
87. Add Twitter followers using twitter “follow” tools.
88. Open a café store and sell items marketing your products.
89. Contribute to other people’s wikis.
90. Create free mp3 and post them online in your Amazon S3 account
91. Post photos to a flickr account.
92. Open up a or account and post your photos and links.
93. Create a great blog roll on your blog. (Let the bloggers know you did this)
94. Post your RSS feed ( is one too) to RSS directories and nings.
95. Begin your own online radio show. Talkshoe is another one.
96. Use a signature line in all of your emails.
97. Post a story at and include your website.
98. Video an online tutorial and post on youtube.
99. Create a “” account and tweet it out.
100.Write “notes” on facebook – this is like a blog post.
101.Put your website & social media url & it logos everywhere!