Whether it’s for work or school or staying in touch with friends and family, this pandemic has many of us live on camera … and who knows when that will end? For some companies, it will never end; even after the pandemic, they’re not going back to the office.
That’s why my guest, Valonda Calloway, wrote her book, Tips from The TV Lady: A Guide for Making a Great Impression on Camera and in Person. As she says in this episode, “This could be the way we communicate [from now on], so put in the time and the effort to learn how to look your best.”
Valonda’s book is quick, easy, and practical with tips and true stories from her decades as a TV news reporter, anchor, and show host, her years as a dancer and a cheerleader, and her work in commercials and corporate videos.
She shares winning video tips throughout this episode, so listen to learn: what those ring lights are actually for, how to remove glare from your glasses, what jewelry not to wear (and why), the problem with wearing patterns and prints, the hair-y habit that’s a worldwide distraction, the what and why of minimal makeup, how to look thinner on camera (if that’s your thing), and how this pandemic has made TV producers of us all … and more!“[On video] do whatever it takes to remove the distractions” – Valonda Calloway
Highlights From This Episode:
- What ring lights are actually for
- Got glare on your glasses? Here’s how to get it gone…
- Jewelry: What not to wear and why
- The core message of Valonda’s fun and practical book: Tips from the TV Lady
- The problem with wearing patterns and prints on camera
- A hair-y habit that’s a worldwide distraction
- Did you know that video viewers can hear your hair? Here’s how…
- 6 quick tips for a better Zoom background
- True Story! How Valonda chooses and uses her brand colors
- What Pam loves (and doesn’t like) about her video setup
- You really need a pair of dimmable lights when…
- How to look thinner on camera – but only if that’s your thing! #bodypositivity
- Why you’d want to get media training sooner than later
- The minimum makeup and how to get rid of that shine
- Why this pandemic could be a boon for dentists and orthodontists
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