Episode 99: Let’s Talk Social Media Marketing with Andrea Patrick of The CEO Mindset

Is it just me, or has social media gotten really complicated? Online marketing was easier when I started over 20 years ago, back when the internet was a toddler. Well, now it’s a teenager, and not necessarily in a good way. 😆

So I’ve invited Andrea Patrick from The CEO Mindset podcast for a shop talk on how we use social media to build our businesses without getting overwhelmed by all its bells and whistles.

Pro Tip! Pay extra attention to the platforms we don’t use and why we don’t use them — avoiding those (or using them in a very specific way) will save you time, drama, and money.

You’ll also learn: 2 ways to be on YouTube without being on camera, how you should be using Facebook and Twitter, and the one thing I hate about Clubhouse, along with how people waste money on social media ads (and exactly how NOT to make the same mistake), why you should do live appearances (and 2 alternatives if you can’t), and the 2 social media platforms I bet you’re sleeping on (but you will love what they can do) … and more!

"I advise you to really get clear on your message first and that hero content, then decide where you want to distribute it” – Andrea Patrick

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Highlights From This Episode:

  • True Story: Find your unique business idea where your interests intersect
  • 2 ways to be on YouTube without being on camera
  • Nope! The podcast platform I do NOT recommend
  • Pop Quiz: What do Pinterest and YouTube have in common? 🤔
  • How Andrea uses Instagram for her business
  • Whaaa?! Did you know Pinterest has this … and also that?
  • Pop Quiz: What’s the first place to put your best content?
  • How people waste money on social media ads 💸
  • Yes, you do have time to be on Clubhouse AND have a podcast
  • Finally! A different way to build engagement
  • How you should be using Facebook and Twitter
  • One thing I really hate about Clubhouse
  • Pro Tip: Why you should do live appearances (and 2 things to do if you can’t)
  • True Story: Andrea’s business breakthrough + why used to struggle
  • A brilliant way to use your ideal customer avatar


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