As my daughter turns 21, I realize that’s a great age to share some more “mama” wisdom. Sure, it’s a landmark birthday – you’re “legal” – whatever. But I see this birthday as a pivot from a fine young lady into an amazing woman. I won’t rethink about what I should of told myself at 21 – and try to regurgitate that to her because times are so different.
So, Aub – here’s what I want you to know now:
- Be bold. Step out of your comfort zone. No matter if you’re afraid, do it anyway. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
- Be innovative. Don’t do what others have done. Sit still and listen to the small voice within and follow those prompts. If you know God is leading you, you can’t lose. You’ll find the most creative ideas when you follow the Holy Spirit. He’s the creator of everything innovative.
- Pick your friends wisely. You are the sum of who you hang around. If they are “going nowhere, doing nothing” cut them lose. You’re a winner; hang out with winners.
- Be kind. If you treat people the way you want to be treated, you’ll always have favor. When you go to networking events, don’t look to “get” first – make it your mission to “give.” Be a person that adds value and you’ll always have positive relationships.
- Stand up and speak out for what you believe in. Never be intimidated by what others think. Be true to your values and beliefs. Again, let God guide you. He’ll fight your battles.
- Prepare for an opportunity that hasn’t happened yet. You can never prepare enough. Preparation gives you confidence and confidence makes you feel like a winner.
- Don’t just work for a living. Design a life you love. If you love what you do, you’ll never “work” a day in your life.
- List your life. Run your life by lists. List what you want. List your goals. List your personality traits you love and list what you want to improve. Writing is powerful. Blog more too. 🙂
- Create a digital footprint that you would be proud of ten years from now. It’s cool to get a lot of “likes” and “yuks” from social media just be sure it not crossing the line of being too far from the character you want to be known for. Online conversations can ruin a reputation. Protect yours.
- Mentoring matters. Get one. Get several. Always check in with those who can give you wise counsel.
- Be a life long learner! READ. READ. READ. Personal development is a life long project – you can never stop learning on how to improve yourself.
- Be mindful of your money. When you know how to manage your money, you will have freedom and learn how to really enjoy your life. Don’t date or marry debt!!!
- Focus on what makes you happy internally and not what you want externally. Don’t get caught up in things – they are fleeting. But learn to value relationships, experiences and your own truth of who you are.
- Get a side hustle. Learn how to make money when you sleep. One of my millionaire mentors, Dr. Bill Pickard, said, ““If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
Author, Entrepreneur – Dr. Bill Pickard
- Dream Big. Once a year sit down with your journal and write our your wildest dreams. Then, go and make a vision board of those dreams. Know that the possibilities of your life are limitless. Don’t limit yourself! Grind…and see your dreams takes flight.
- Take care of what’s most important. Your health. Wealth without health is useless. Continue to exercise, EAT right and floss. 🙂
- Look for humor in everyday living. The more you laugh – the less stress you’ll have. Find time to unwind and chill out with some witty, funny friends.
- Remember to give back. No matter how successful you become, it won’t matter if you don’t help others come along side with you. Vote. Be proactive in movements that matter. Give to causes that need your help. Stay woke!
- Stay focused. There are so many things that can cause you to get off track but you have to fight to stay focused on what you know God has called you to do and what you know in your heart that you are supposed to be doing now.
- Listen to your heart. When you find true love, you’ll know it. Your soul mate will compliment you and you will compliment him. Don’t be unequally yoked. Love should feel GOOD!
- Be TRUE to yourself. That is what your God Mom, Portia said. We both know that if you stay true to you – no matter what happens – you will have an amazing life. 😋
Great words of wisdom. Well said
I applaud you for being a wonderful mother, as well as being a great mentor and counselor. I only wish I could tap into the genius of you more readily. May God continue to smile upon you and shower you with blessings!
Thank you Ruth. God bless you too.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful life
God Continue to bless you young lady!
[…] that I named, Peppy. And he was just that. I had no idea how much joy he would bring to my life. My daughter had just went off to college and it was just me and Marc, my husband at home. So I told Marc, […]