5 Secrets to Being an Awesome Authorpreneur

Your book is your business – it’s the container of all your experience, ideas and message you want to deliver to the world. Why stop with just a book (no matter if it’s eBook or audio book)…. you have more to give!  That’s the way an authorpreneur thinks.

They think about products that can solve problems. We are in the information age – and people need information to solve their problems or satisfy a need.

Here’s where a lot of authors get confused and overwhelmed when it comes to product creation. They mistakenly think the product they created (the book) has solved every problem for every person.

It doesn’t.

The way to avoid “leaving money on the table” is to very clearly define a new product in terms of the problem it solves for your audience in a new way and possibly to a new audience who may not even have bought your book!

If you’ve written a book – you had to have done some research. So, you’re very likely know the issues your market faces. Take a few minutes and scroll through your email looking for the questions your audience asks. Check your facebook pages for most common issues people are talking about or questions people are asking. Take a look at your blog comments for common themes.

Then, an awesome authorpreneur creates a product  – say a course – to solve that problem.

Here is what I ask my authorpreneur clients to think about –

➡ My course idea ticks these three boxes –

  • It focuses on something I an passionate about teaching—something so easy for me, I often take it for granted
  • It solves the current most urgent problem or need for my ideal client
  • It is in complete alignment with my business brand

That’s the starting point of awesome.

Join me for my free webinar on the

5 Secrets of an Awesome Authorpreneur on

Friday, 10/13 at Noon EST:

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Please click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9ItfHF6UT0KTiFzeJ2KB7A

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Webinar ID: 244 757 651

Can’t make the webinar? Join the Pam Perry Mentoring Program and get the replay and notes.
