Beyond the Glitter: The True Cost of Event Coverage for Those Just Wanting “Exposure”


It’s dazzling isn’t it. All of the Red Carpets and headline events, the allure of visibility can sometimes overshadow the essential principle of professional value. As you step into the spotlight, microphone in hand, ready to embody the role of a journalist, emcee, or celebrity interviewer, it’s crucial to pause and reflect: Are you truly being compensated for your expertise and effort?

pam perry

The Illusion of Exposure

It’s an appealing proposition: cover a prestigious event, mingle with the stars, and perhaps even enjoy complimentary travel and accommodation. But when the glamour fades, and you find yourself tasked with crafting stories, conducting follow-ups, and engaging in the diligent work akin to that of a bona fide freelance or broadcast journalist—all without monetary compensation—the sheen of opportunity dims.

The Cost of Creativity

Let’s address the elephant in the room: exposure doesn’t pay the bills. While novice writers and creators may be tempted by the promise of recognition, the truth is that professional skill, time, and creativity warrant fair compensation. From the hours spent preparing and performing to ancillary expenses like attire, grooming, and equipment, every aspect of your contribution has value.

Know Your Worth

For authors, speakers, and creatives eager to “Get Out There and Get Known,” the path to visibility is fraught with decisions that can either uplift or undermine your professional standing. Accepting a role that pays in visibility rather than currency might seem like a step forward, but it’s essential to weigh such opportunities against the tangible benefits of paid engagements.

Navigating Compensation and Tax Implications

The distinction between reimbursement and compensation is critical, especially when travel and lodging are covered. While these perks are valuable, they do not equate to payment for your work. Understanding the nuances of tax obligations, such as the issuance of a W-9 form for genuine compensation versus reimbursement, is crucial in maintaining your financial and professional integrity.

Seize Control of Your Platform

We are in a time where digital platforms offer unprecedented opportunities for self-promotion and content creation, the need to chase visibility through unpaid gigs diminishes. Embracing the power of your own platform not only affirms your value but also enables you to curate content that resonates with your audience, on your terms.

Soooo… don’t let ego keep you broke. 

As you navigate the glittering corridors of event coverage and celebrity interviews, remember that your talent and expertise are your currency. Do not undersell yourself for the allure of visibility. Demand fair compensation, understand your worth, and consider the long-term implications of “free” opportunities. The path to recognition is paved with professionalism, and every step taken should reflect the value of the work you do.

Let this be a call to action: Evaluate opportunities not just by the doors they may open but by the respect and remuneration they offer for your hard work and dedication. Your talent is not a commodity to be bargained down; it’s a gift to be adequately compensated. Don’t get punked—get paid.

Earning Beyond Exposure: How to Secure Paid Opportunities in Event Journalism. For genuine visibility, obtain quick media coverage and a year of mentorship with me. 

If visibility is what you seek, don’t settle for mere exposure. Embrace the chance for quick media coverage and a year of mentorship wisdom. With my extensive experience in communications, PR, and journalism, I am here to guide you through the landscape of media success. Together, we’ll transform your aspirations into achievements, ensuring that every step you take is a leap towards recognition and professional fulfillment.

Let’s embark on this journey together. Gain the visibility you deserve with quick media coverage and benefit from a year of mentorship, tailored to elevate your brand and story in ways you’ve only imagined.

This is more than an invitation; it’s a call to action for every aspiring journalist, speaker, influencer and content creator ready to claim their worth and make their mark. Are you ready to step into the light? Let’s make this year the beginning of your most remarkable chapter. Go here now and once you’re in, we’ll jump on a zoom to set how to get you paid – not punked.

Ready Set Go Pam Perry
