[Guest Post] Here are 3 Reasons Why Leaders Should Embrace the Coaching Culture by Sarita Pittman

Meet Sarita Pittman – 7-Figure earner and Executive Business Coach. Sarita is licensed business coach and founder of an accredited coaching certification academy, Atiras International. With over 20  years of experience in business, Sarita has earned her the title of “Lady Wealth Builder.”
Today she is guest blogging on three reason why coaching should be embraced by leaders in business: 

  1. It prevents burnout.

Being a leader requires one to influence a group or an individual towards a common goal. If a leader isn’t careful, the only goal obtained will be theirs. Effective leaders understand the power of group buy in. If the majority agrees with a thought or process, more likely than not, it will we welcomed and accomplished. Creating a culture and environment that allows team members the opportunity to acknowledge their individual goals makes room for their personal buy in. If a person sees by accomplishing the common goal gets them to their desired end, their buy in happens automatically. They will become a leader’s ally vs being their enemy.

  • The Greenhouse Effect: Everyone Won’t Grow.
  • Coaching is rooted and grounded on the principle of personal growth. When leaders incorporate room for growth into their everyday leadership style, it makes any opportunity they offer become more enticing. It causes individuals under their leadership to see themselves in a future relationship with them. This method of leadership will uncover who is ready for a next level opportunity. I call it the greenhouse effect. All plants are in the same environment that’s conducive for growth. Yet, all plants don’t thrive. The owner of the greenhouse doesn’t call in the demolition crew or call the greenhouse a failure. They simply move forward with the plants that grew. This method helps leaders move forward without guilt or a sense of failure. Coaches are there to assist with not be held responsible for 100% of a client’s growth. Same principle should apply when leading.

    1. Improves Communication Skills: Speak to be Effective Not Heard

    Coaches ask the right questions and talk in a way that causes the listener to be engaged throughout the entire conversation. An effective coaching session is not a one-way street. It’s not let me tell you this and that’s it. A highly skilled coach crafts a conversation to do two things; Get their questions answered and their point across. It’s not about being the center of attention. It’s all about the goal at hand. Turning each meeting into a coaching session eliminates white noise and ignored requests. It causes each attendee to actively participate and invites their full attention to attend. You want to be clearly understood, taken seriously, and respected as a leader. Accomplishing goals by improving your communication skills and eliminating unnecessary tasks will yield your desired result.

    Want to hear Sarita? Listen to her on the podcast with Dr. Geneva Williams, here

    or click the picture below to hear her with Rushion McDonald. 

    sarita pittman steve harvey
