4 Common Mistakes That Keep Authors From Getting Media Attention

Getting media attention is one of the best ways to promote your book. It can help you reach a larger audience and create more brand awareness. However, many authors make common mistakes that keep them from getting the media coverage they deserve. In this blog post, we will discuss four of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

One of the most common mistakes is not having a clear publicity plan. You need to know what you want to achieve with your publicity campaign and have a strategy for reaching your goals. Without a plan, it will be difficult to measure your success and make necessary adjustments.

Black Women authorsAnother mistake is not doing your research. Before you start reaching out to media outlets, you need to know what kind of coverage they provide and who their target audience is. This will help you tailor your pitch and increase your chances of getting covered.

You also need to make sure that you have something newsworthy to share. The media is always looking for new and interesting stories, so if you can offer them something unique, you’ll be more likely to get their attention.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up. Once you’ve made contact with a reporter or editor, be sure to follow up and keep them updated on your story. If you can build a good relationship with the media, you’ll be more likely to get coverage in the future.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to getting the media attention you deserve.

Want to work with me to learn how to navigate media, apply to the next Cohort of the Branding Accelerator. 

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